Well what a teaching year it has been so far at SLE Church! It seems to have gotten meatier as the year goes on – first we started with parables in Luke, then we kicked off our first semester with the Sermon on the Mount followed by a short topical series on ‘Church’, and then 1 Samuel (Looking for a Leader). Then began a long journey through the Book of Revelation before a camp on the Trinity and a doctrinal series on the Holy Spirit.
To finish up the year and to lead into the next we’ll be taking a sweep through the 12 Minor Prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. One prophet each week.
As always we highly encourage you to read through these prophets each week in preparation for the weekly sermon to increase your familiarity with the passages beforehand. Let me also encourage you to see how the 12 books can, and should, be read together as one united whole – with a major theme of ‘theodicy’ being raised and answered through each successive prophet. ‘Theodicy’ is the attempt to resolve the problem of evil in the world by reconciling it to the nature and character of God. In some ways a constant question in the minor prophets is this: how does God remain a faithful, just, loving, merciful, and promise-keeping God in the face of Israel’s sin and impending judgement? As you read through the prophets let me encourage you to keep that question in mind and see how each prophet reveals their part of the answer.