This month has been a month of “Beautiful Feet Sundays” where we as a church are being encouraged to have a greater awareness and heart for God’s work of ‘mission’ in His world.
As part of our church’s involvement in mission is our support of the Church Missionary Society (CMS). Their aim is simply to encourage Christians and churches to do one or more of three things: PRAY, GIVE, or GO.
If you have ever wondered what to pray for when it comes to mission, let me strongly encourage you to stay back tomorrow for our prayer meeting for missions (at 11am and 12:30pm). Let me also encourage you to download a very helpful resource from the CMS website: Here you will find some helpful prayer points to pray through.
Why not start by praying for the work of CMS?
God of love, whose will it is that everyone should be saved,
bless the Church Missionary Society
and those who have gone out in its fellowship
to preach, to teach and to heal.
Guard, guide and use them;
raise up more people in your worldwide church
to pray and to work,
to care and to understand,
to give to you and to go for you,
that your church may grow,
your will be done,
your kingdom come,
and your glory be revealed:
through Jesus Christ our Lord,