This year we wanted to look at what it means to live everyday of our lives with Jesus. We started off the year with the book of Corinthians – look at everyday with Jesus in our gathering as God’s people. We touched upon the first part of the letter, chapters 1-11:1. In a few weeks we’re going to return to Corinthians and look through the final half, 11:2-16:24. Many of us have also been going through the book of Corinthians in our fellowship groups.
Starting in chapter 11 might feel like starting a movie halfway through. So if you have time, I’d like to encourage everyone to check out the previous sermons in the series.
If you lack the time (or patience!), then here’s a BRILLIANT video from The Bible Project on the structure and content of the letter of 1 Corinthians. They also have a few other videos on books of the bible as well as thematic videos on doctrines like holiness, heaven and earth, and the atonement. If you’re able to financially support these guys in this ministry (they provide these video resources for free to the church!) I’d highly recommend them.