As promised, here are some resources to look at to do more reading, thinking and applying of the big topic of rest we covered in the sermon yesterday.
A bit more theological thinking:
– The Sabbath Rest (Joshua Ng)
More thinking on application
– Crazy Busy (Kevin De Young) – I mistakenly said that the whole book is available online for free – it is only a sampler that is available (2 chapters). The chapter I particularly referred to about the rhythms of rest is not included. Consider buying the book to read it all or come ask to borrow the copy I have.
– Keeping the Sabbath (David Moore)
– The Power of Deep Rest (Tim Keller)
– 4 Ways to win the Battle Against Busyness (J.D. Greear)
Hope you can set aside some time to check these extra readings out!
And will be praying we will all know what it means to truly rest in Christ, the Lord of the Sabbath, and live (appropriately) restful lives to the glory of God.