Discipleship – Disciples of Jesus Christ

Who is Jesus and what does it mean to be his disciple? It seems like a simple question with a simple answer! In this 6-week series, we will be looking at a section in the middle of the Gospel of Luke, at the key turning point where Jesus’ identity is made crystal clear – he is the Christ of God. What does it mean for Jesus to be the Christ? And what, therefore does it mean to be a disciple of Christ, a ‘Christian’?

Come and find out whether your answer to “who is Jesus?” matches what God’s word says. More importantly, as you come to terms with who Jesus really is, may you also come to terms with what it really means to be his disciple. Perhaps for the first time, you will trust and follow him as his disciples. Or perhaps you will realise that you haven’t really been following Jesus in the way a Christian ought. Or perhaps you will be encouraged to know you are on the right track and will be spurred on to continue following him.

In our first sermon of this series, we’ll get to the heart of Jesus’ identity, and in light of that, the fundamental meaning of what it means to be Christian, a disciple of Jesus.