Information for Organisers

Christmas at Home

Sunday 19th November 2023

What is Christmas At Home?

Born during COVID in 2020, Christmas At Home allowed SLE members and their family and friends to gather in homes to watch a Christmas service together and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.

Since then the tradition has continued, with many being welcomed into our homes for a meal and celebrating Christmas together in this way.

On Sunday 19th November 2023, SLE will once again hold Christmas at Home.  An SLE Christmas service will premiere on our Youtube channel at 8:45am, which can be replayed at any time.  This will occur in place of a physical gathering at Ryans Road. 

Why are we running this? 

Christmas at Home is primarily an evangelistic event that invites our unbelieving friends & family to join an SLE Christmas service but in the more approachable and familiar environment of someone's home. It provides a unique opportunity for guests to hear the true message of Christmas and connect with believers in a more intimate setting.

Christmas at Home also provides an opportunity for SLE members to practice gospel unity and to deepen connections with each other.

How do I host the event?
Consider delegating 3 roles: a host, a welcomer, a kids host (if applicable).

The Host

Likely be the person/family whose home is hosting the event and will be involved in setting up and preparing food and drinks.

The Welcomer(s)

Can create opportunities to have conversations with guests, initiate conversations about the sermon, invite them to join again for our future events.

The Kids Host

Can welcome the kids, and engage them with the Kids video and activities while the service is being played

You may want to consider doing the following:

Ensure you are set up to play the video, and the image and sound are able to be seen and heard clearly by all your guests. 
On the day, have SLE gospel partners come 10 minutes earlier so that you can pray for your guests.
Warmly welcome the newcomer when they come and let them know what they can expect (e.g. some welcome nibbles/drinks, some singing and a service together, a meal afterwards).
For families, do note that there is a Kids Church video (separate to the church service video) that can be played. This will be made available before the day. If you are playing the Kids Church video, do consider that you will need a separate device and a separate area to play it.  There will also be craft activities which may require preparation and provision of supplies.
After the service has concluded, we suggest hosting a meal so that further conversations can happen. It can be potluck and doesn’t have to be fancy. The idea is just to create opportunities to engage in conversations.
Before everything ends, be sure to let your guests know of all the other Christmas events on offer at SLE Church’s Events.

How do I get to know my guests?

Ask questions!  Be curious about them and their worldviews.  Invite them to share their story about what they hold dear, and perhaps they will invite you to share your story.  Chat about the Christmas message you’ve just heard.

Below are some questions that might stimulate meaningful conversations. [Adapted from Sam Chan’s “How to talk about Jesus (without being THAT guy)”]

  • What are you looking for in life? Why is this important to you?
  • What is the one thing you absolutely must have in this life?
  • What happens if you don’t find what you’re looking for?
  • Do you have a faith?
  • What’s the best thing about being a Muslim/freethinker/Buddhist/Atheist etc..? 
  • Tell me about some traditions, festivals or celebrations that are important to you?
  • What do you believe about God?
  • What do you think God wants from you?

    SLE has been inviting the community to share what gives them satisfaction in life.  The top 4 answers will be the topic of 4 sermons in the new year. What would your answer be?  Why not invite your guests to add to this poll and offer to let them know the top 4 answers when the results are out?

    What’s next for those who have attended?

    Encourage your guests to keep exploring Jesus! Invite them to:

    • Upcoming SLE Christmas events – Kids Christmas events & Christmas services
    • The LIFE course - a way of looking into life with Jesus
    • Invite them to our summer sermon series on “What gives satisfaction in Life”
    • (We are also working on an idea of exploring the above question over 4 meals in a format similar to Christmas at Home – watch this space).
    • Invite them to explore the story of Jesus further by reading the Bible with someone one-on-one.
    Where can i go to download the sermon and resources for the day?

    The Christmas service and kids program resources can be found HERE.

    The service will also be uploaded to our church Youtube channel by 8:45am on Sunday 19th November.

    What if I have questions?

    We’d love to help!  Contact us with any questions HERE

    Remember to have fun!  Enjoy celebrating and sharing Jesus - our great light who shines into a world in darkness.