We are SLE Church.

We believe that the church is not a building but a gathering of God’s people. Being a family in Christ is what we’re all about.

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Current Series: Jesus Confronts the World

At the end of the sermon on the mount the people are left amazed at the teaching of Jesus – because of the authority he has demonstrated. But the authority of Jesus is not only found in his teaching – his whole life and the expectations of his disciples carries an authority that clashes with our world. In Matthew 8-11 we see this clash on display as Jesus Confronts The World.

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Upcoming Events

Aerial shot of field with people forming the words "SLE"

18 MAR, 25 MAR, 01 APR, 8 APR, 15 APR (TUE), 6.30pm


Life is a 5 part series that includes FREE tasty food, good coffee, and engaging talk about Jesus and the Bible, and the opportunity for discussion and question.Everyone is welcome!

SLE Church
FIND out more
Aerial shot of field with people forming the words "SLE"

23 MAR (SUN), 9am to 10.30am

Junior Kids Church Easter Party

A party especially for the young ones from 2 years old to Prep age.

Join us for an exciting morning of fun, to discover what truly happened on that fateful Easter Day.

SLE Church
Register Here
Aerial shot of field with people forming the words "SLE"

30 MAR (SUN), 8.45am to 10.45am

Primary Kids Church Easter Party

A party especially for the young ones from 2 years old to Prep age.

Join us for an exciting morning of fun, to discover what truly happened on that fateful Easter Day.

Playground at 119 Carmody Road, St Lucia
Register Here

    Replay Series: Habakkuk

    How do we make sense of all the messiness in the world we live in? We see good fortune turn to bad, the vulnerable taken advantage of, injustice befall the innocent while the guilty escape justice. How can a good and just God sit idly by and tolerate this?

    This is what the prophet Habakkuk wrestles with in his dialogue with God. As Habakkuk contemplates his crumbling circumstances, he cries out to God for answers. How does God reply? “The righteous shall live by his faith.”

    Listen now

    Replay Series: Hebrews

    Imagine a world where Christians face hardships and are tempted to turn away from Jesus and the church, and turn to other things. The book of Hebrews was written to a group of believers who did just that – they were turning back to the Old Testament systems of priests, sacrifices and the Law. But the author of Hebrews not only warns them of the disaster of this decision but also expertly argues how Jesus is better.

    Listen now

    Join a group

    We believe that church goes beyond Sundays and into the lives of our every day. Our groups meet regularly providing you support while we learn to become more Christ-like.

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