We are SLE Church.

We believe that the church is not a building but a gathering of God’s people. Being a family in Christ is what we’re all about.

Learn more about us

Current Series: Hebrews

Imagine a world where Christians face hardships and are tempted to turn away from Jesus and the church, and turn to other things. The book of Hebrews was written to a group of believers who did just that – they were turning back to the Old Testament systems of priests, sacrifices and the Law. But the author of Hebrews not only warns them of the disaster of this decision but also expertly argues how Jesus is better.

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Upcoming Events


13 OCT (SUN), 10:45am

Member Information Session

On 13 October, Pastor Richard Wong will be holding a member's session to walk through the Constitutional changes and to answer any questions members might have regarding the AGM documents. Please come along to this session commencing at 10:45am in the North Hall to understand what you will be required to vote for.

SLE Church

JUst Show up

17 OCT (THU)
6:30pm for dinner, 7:30pm for meeting

Mission Interest Group

“Take your Job Overseas.” How many of us have been overseas? We do it all the time! What do we normally take with us? Lots of clothes, travel adaptors, maybe a book to read on the plane, and a whole lot of expectation for our trip. But have you every thought of taking your job overseas with you? Relocating to work in a different country, not for better pay, or advanced training, or for your CV… but for the sake of the gospel? What would that look like? What are the benefits of this? Come & hear from those who have done it & join us in praying that God would bear fruit for eternity through it.


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27 OCT (SUN), 11AM and 12.30PM

Newcomer's Lunch

If you are new to SLE Church in the past few months and would like to know more about what we do, what better way to do so than to join our Newcomer's Lunch, where we can help you to take the next steps to connect with church? You will also hear from our pastors on the mission and vision of SLE Church

SLE Church

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    Replay Series: Vision

    A vision sets direction and shapes your activity. It helps an organisation know where it is heading and informs those potentially joining the organisation’s values and objectives.

    Churches are no different and must have a gospel-centred vision that seeks to glorify God and grow His Kingdom. Over the coming two weeks, we’ll explore SLE’s reshaped vision for 2024 and beyond: to be a community of maturing disciples of Jesus investing in the next generations.

    Listen now

    Replay Series: Psalms

    When we sing the Psalms in Christ, they become the soundtrack of our Christian lives. They help us to feel, comprehend, process, and reflect on the various emotions and experiences we face every day through the lens of the gospel. And as we do so, Jesus directs our everyday emotions and experiences towards a life of praising God.

    We’ll be turning to the Psalms a few times during the year in between our larger teaching blocks. Each time we do, we’ll endeavour to listen to how the lyrics poetically guide our affections towards Jesus and meditate on what it would sound like for those lyrics to be upon our lips as we sing these praises in Christ.

    Listen now

    Join a group

    We believe that church goes beyond Sundays and into the lives of our every day. Our groups meet regularly providing you support while we learn to become more Christ-like.

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