The Gospel in Motion
When Jesus was with his disciple he said something highly curious: that his disciples would go on without him and do even greater works than he (cf John 14:12). What did he mean by this? The book of Acts shows us how that works. Spirit-empowered believers will carry the good news of Jesus beyond the stepping grounds of Jesus himself – from Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria… and even on further to lands and people unknown. The book of Acts is the Gospel in motion!
The Calm Before the Storm
Jesus is triumphantly promoted to heaven where He directs His choice of replacement, and empowers His witnesses by the Spirit. So, we prayerfully seek His guidance and minister in the Spirit.
The Gospel Goes Viral
The Spirit empowered disciples, and the Old Testament, all point to the Lordship of Jesus. So repent and live with Jesus as Lord!
Spirit-Filled to Continue the Work of Christ
The Spirit-filled Apostles were empowered to continue the work of Christ; authenticated by signs, they testified to Jesus and called for repentance and faith; facing opposition, they remained bold. Believers today, filled and empowered with the same Spirit, are to continue the work of Christ.
A Deadly Lack of Fear
The church grows despite opposition because it is advanced by God, so walk in the fear of God. Stand firm against opposition from inside and outside of the church.
The Spirit-filled Martyr who advances the Mission
Jewish rejection of Jesus is typical of their history and the catalyst that pushes the church beyond Jerusalem with Jesus standing by his persecuted church.
The Wrong and Right Response to the Gospel
Desiring the gospel for personal gain is rebuked, but faith and repentance are the right responses – so let us be prepared to preach the gospel from every part of scripture!
The Most Surprising and Unlikely Convert
We are to be filled with awe and thankfulness that Jesus chose, saves, and protects Saul to be his gospel instrument to the Gentiles!
The Gospel Is For Everyone
The gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone, because God’s grace knows no bounds and Jesus’ work knows no limits.
Episode 9
Anyone who trusts Jesus is saved to the delight and awe of every believer – there are no second-class believers, nor boundaries between believers.
The Gospel Grows: in Persecution and Power
The growth of the gospel comes with powerful persecution, but the Lord’s power triumphs and so the gospel grows. So, trust in our powerful Lord, pray with faith and persevere in ministry.
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