Shun False Teachers
Gabriel Tan
31 December 2017
2 John 1-13
The messages of 2 John, 3 John and Jude remain relevant in a 21st Century society that denies God’s Truth and wants to redefine truth.
In 2 John, John writes to the early church where false teachers are causing confusion. How do we stem the tide of confusion in the church? How should we react to false teaching and why is it so important to uphold the truth? 2 John tells us.
Support & Imitate Gospel Workers
Gabriel Tan
07 January 2018
3 John 1-15
If shunning false teachers is necessary to defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ, supporting and imitating Gospel workers is necessary to advance it. But what does that look like practically? And who is a Gospel Worker? 3 John gives us some ideas.
Contend for the Faith
Gabriel Tan
14 January 2018
Jude 1-24
Written by Jesus’ half-brother, and one of the earliest church leaders, Jude writes with great concern to Christians in danger of falling for false teaching. He challenges Christians to contend for the Christian faith- to fight to defend and advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Why is false teaching so deadly? What does “contending for the faith” look like practically for us? The message of Jude answers these questions with timeless and relevant teachings.
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