Wisdom in the Eye of the Storm - The Story of Job


The book of Job… oh that’s the book about suffering right? Well… sort of.
In our opening chapters we’ll find a faithful man living his best life now. Faithful to God and incredibly wealthy at the same time. But in a tragic and quick series of events all of that is stripped away. And why? Job doesn’t know, but we, the reader, do.
We’ll take a look behind the scenes as we set the stage for one of the Bible’s most intriguing, epic, and tricky books to understand. And as we do so we’ll learn that this book is about more than just suffering.


In the eye of the storm

  • Pastor Steven Tran
  • 11 April 2021
  • Job 1-2

Job, a prosperous and faithful man, has everything he has destroyed in a test – through deep suffering he passes, and we clearly see he has done no wrong in God’s sight.


The Unhelpfulness of Narrow Wisdom

  • Pastor Benjamin Ho
  • 18 April 2021
  • Job 3-27

Job’s friends’ wisdom about suffering is wrong in content and attitude. True wisdom that comforts and helps consists of proper understanding as well as humility and grace. That is, true wisdom is both theological and relational.


When Wisdom Fails

  • Pastor Steven Tran
  • 25 April 2021
  • Job 6-27

Job sticks to his integrity, pushing back on his friends and wavering between hope and doubt
about God’s justice. We enter his confusion that his suffering has brought to his faith, and
are encouraged that faith includes deep times of wrestling with God


A Key Word About Wisdom

  • Pastor Benjamin Ho
  • 2 May 2021
  • Job 28

Our search for wisdom must find its destination in the fear of the Lord. As Christians, we need to recognize the heightened, yet ultimately limited, human ability to seek and get what we need and want and to see that only God is unlimited and only God knows where the wisdom we most need and want is found. In doing so, we will humble ourselves before God and fear Him.


Wisdom Reveealed

  • Pastor Steven Tran
  • 9 May 2021
  • Job 29:1 - 42:6

When Yahweh appears with questions, Job recognizes the ignorance behind his words and repents. He realizes he has been too demanding and is reminded that God is God and in control, worthy of his trust, and to know God is better than knowing why he is suffering.


Wisdom, Mystery, and the Meaning of Life

  • Pastor Steven Tran
  • 16 May 2021
  • Job 42

We have a happy ending as Job is restored by God in the sight of all, helping us see how good and gracious Yahweh is.

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