Update from Mario: Namaste from Surkhet, Nepal


Another update from Mario. Keep him in your prayers!


Hi guys!

Hope things in Brisbane are well and not too hot :p for the last few days we’ve been visiting some local hospitals and seeing how inf has been interwoven into the history of healthcare in Nepal. The story of INF (International Nepal Fellowship) itself is just too awesome to convey over text, I’ll have to retell it when I get back.

We were taken care of by a man named Nerag who is a Christian in Nepal. He, like us, went to church and worshipped at his local church. He only heard of mission work when he went to the United States to study and became involved with youth ministry at college. Through this, he was convicted to return to Nepal to become a pastor to lead the youth. Wouldn’t it be great to hear a similar story from those Singaporean students who come and leave our church 🙂

Anyway Nerag’s story doesn’t end there but I’ll leave it for now. In the meantime, if you want to get a glimpse of INF and the work they do have a look at this video:

Looking forward to catching up with you guys soon 🙂 hope all is well 🙂



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