Who doesn't love the blooming of flowers in springtime, signifying new life & growth? How much more beautiful is it when that happens in people, not plants?! Bloom sessions aim to help cultivate spiritual growth among the women of SLE, through Bible teaching and nurturing inter-generational relationships.
Each session focuses on a topic relevant to us as Christian women, and we dig deep into God's words for answers, and benefit so much from the insight & wisdom of fellow sisters during reflection and prayer times.
We meet two times a year on a Saturday afternoon, and would love you to join us- if you're a woman, and if you're uni-aged and above!

The Proverbs 31 woman and me
Saturday, 18th May 2024
1:30pm - 4:30pm AEST
SLE Church
83 Ryans Road, St Lucia
If you've ever read Proverbs 31, then it's bound to invoke some kind of reaction in you. It's here we see described an excellent wife, more precious than jewels... and she really is worth her weight in gold!! You'll either love her, or loathe her or leave her. Love her- because she's everything you wish you could be. Loathe her- because she's a constant reminder of how far you fall short. Leave her- it's impossible to attain, so let's just forget about her altogether. What are we meant to do with the Proverbs 31 woman? Should we all to aspire to be just like her- a devoted mother, a tireless housewife, a kind teacher, a successful businesswoman, a seamstress, a supportive wife all rolled into one? What if we can't? Come along and meet this Proverbs 31 woman, get to see what she's like, what she does, and why she does it. And more than that, to see why God caused her to be in the pages of Scripture, and how we as Christian women stand in relation to her.
Watch the recording of this session HERE.