Untangling Emotions Part 1

20 June 2020


1:40AM (AEST) / 11:40AM (SGT)

Discussion #1

1:45 - 1:55PM (AEST) /
11:45 - 11:55AM (SGT)

  1. Are you an over-feeler or an under-feeler?
  2. What’s your attitude towards emotions?
  3. What are some of your strongest & commonly felt emotions?

Main Talk #1

1:55 - 2:30PM (AEST) /
11:55AM - 12:30PM (SGT)

Discussion #2

2:30 - 2:50PM (AEST) /
12:30 - 12:50PM (SGT)

  1. In light of what we’ve heard so far, how do you think your own attitude to your emotional life should change? Why?
  2. What do you find most interesting / helpful about what godly emotions involve?
  3.  Consider the strongest & most common emotions you feel (from the intro exercise).
    The following questions will help us see ways in which they were ungodly or godly.

    1. Try to consider the state of your heart (from which they flowed). What does it show about your heart’s beliefs/convictions and your heart’s love/values? Are they the right emotions to be feeling? Why/why not?

Main Talk #2

2:50 - 3:05PM (AEST) /
12:50PM - 1:05PM (SGT)

Discussion #3

3:05 - 3:25PM (AEST) /
1:05 - 1:25PM (SGT)

  1. How do you honestly feel about the prospect of growing to be more like Jesus in your emotional life? Daunted? Excited? Doubtful? Something else?
  2. What are 1-2 practical steps you want to take to pursue godly emotions, given what you’ve heard? How will you go about this, when will you start etc?
  3. Can you think of ways that we as women of SLE can help one another in this? How could other women help you? Who could you help, and how? Be as specific as

Prayer in pairs

3:25 - 3:40PM (AEST) /
1:25 - 1:40PM (SGT)

You are invited to a special Bloom gathering:

Untangling Emotions

Saturday, 20 June 2020
Homes of various ladies at SLE Church

Have you ever felt happy, angry, anxious or upset? If you're human, then you would have felt all these emotions and many more, whether you'd consider yourself an overly emotional person or not!

Have you ever felt confused, ashamed or proud about how you feel? Or wondered whether it was right to feel how you did? Have you stopped to think about what causes your emotions, what's the impact of your emotions, and if there's anything you can do about your emotions?

The Bloom committee is excited to host our first event of the year, where we'll think about our emotions, from God's perspective, revealed in His Word. We'll meet in small groups of 5-6 people, listen to a Bible talk and then mull over it together, considering & discussing how it should change how we think & feel about our emotions.

Thankfully, God wants us to be able to understand and sort out our emotions, not leave them in a tangled up mess.

Have you ever felt happy, angry, anxious or upset? If you're human, then you would have felt all these emotions and many more, whether you'd consider yourself an overly emotional person or not!

Have you ever felt confused, ashamed or proud about how you feel? Or wondered whether it was right to feel how you did? Have you stopped to think about what causes your emotions, what's the impact of your emotions, and if there's anything you can do about your emotions?

The Bloom committee is excited to host our first event of the year, where we'll think about our emotions, from God's perspective, revealed in His Word. We'll meet in small groups of 5-6 people, listen to a Bible talk and then mull over it together, considering & discussing how it should change how we think & feel about our emotions.

Thankfully, God wants us to be able to understand and sort out our emotions, not leave them in a tangled up mess.