The Man and His Words

29 August 2020


10:00AM (AEST) / 8:00AM (SGT)

Discussion #1

10:10 - 10:40AM (AEST) /
8:10 - 8:40AM (SGT)

The exploder: the person who uses their words angrily to cut down and snap at their loved ones.
The silent type: those who don’t talk all that much, preferring to keep their thoughts to themselves.
The unsure: happy to talk but not sure how to be spiritual.

Which one do you tend to be more like?

Why do you think men have a problem with our words and communication?

What was the last time someone said (or sent) you an encouraging word?

Main Talk

10:40 - 11:00AM (AEST) /
8:40 - 9:00AM (SGT)

Discussion #2 + Prayer

11:00 - 11:30AM (AEST) /
9:00 - 9:30AM (SGT)

If you are an exploder, silent type, or unsure – what would you say is the heart of the problem for you personally?

What gospel encouragement have you received today to counter the heart of your communication problem?

Have a think through a personal situation and reapply those practical tips (be specific, be humble, keep God’s Kingdom in mind, be silent) – how would you talk through that situation again?

Spend some time praying together about what you’ve shared and what we’ve learned today.

Live Q&A

11:40AM (AEST) /
9:40AM (SGT)

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