
Hebrews12 EPISODESImagine a world where Christians face hardships and are tempted to turn away from Jesus and the church, and turn to other things. The book of Hebrews was written to a group of believers … Read More


Vision2 EPISODESA vision sets direction and shapes your activity. It helps an organisation know where it is heading and informs those potentially joining the organisation’s values and objectives. Churches are no different and must have … Read More

Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount9 EPISODESThe entry of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew is nothing short of astounding. His genealogy, birth, baptism and temptation in the wilderness were all saturated with Old Testament imagery and … Read More

Summer Satisfaction Series

Summer Satisfaction Series4 EPISODES“What gives satisfaction in life?” We’ve been asking our friends and communities this question over the past few months, and have compiled the top 4 answers to explore in our Summer Series. EPISODE … Read More

1 Samuel

1 Samuel11 EPISODESIn the days when there was no King, God set out to show his people what they needed: Him! Instead they opted for a king like everyone else – so they got what … Read More


Psalms3 EPISODESWhen we sing the Psalms in Christ, they become the soundtrack of our Christian lives. They help us to feel, comprehend, process, and reflect on the various emotions and experiences we face every day … Read More

A Light Has Come

A Light Has Come6 EPISODESAll good stories have a beginning, and in the opening chapters of Matthew we get the beginnings of the greatest story ever told: a prince from a far away land who … Read More

Worshipping the Triune God

Worshipping the Triune God6 EPISODES We believe in the Triune God: One God—infinite, eternal, almighty, and perfect in holiness, truth, and love; in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit—co-existent, co-equal, co-eternal, each truly God. … Read More

The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth: Acts 13-20

The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth: Acts 13-2010 EPISODESBefore his ascension, Jesus told his disciples that they would be his witnesses “in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends … Read More

Exiles: Living in Hope

Exiles: Living in Hope9 EPISODESChristians are recipients of God’s mercy, given real hope and set apart as holy. As such, they are ‘strangers’ in this world where they will face various trials and testing. Relying … Read More